Author Archives: Donna Jodhan

About Donna Jodhan

Donna Jodhan is an award winning blind author, advocate, sight loss coach, blogger, podcast commentator, and accessibility specialist.

Is this a Wal-Mart waltz? – this message needs to be clarified

Greetings everyone and I’m Christian Robicheau at the Sterling Creations desk. Today, our president in her capacity as an investigative reporter looks at a mixed message from the Wal-Mart folks. She urges you to send your thoughts to Enjoy … Continue reading

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Lessons from 80 Years Later – Never to Forget and Always to Keep On Sharing

Hey everyone I’m Scott Savoy at the Sterling Creations Business desk and all refreshed after a bit of a break. I am very pleased to share our president’s reflections with you for today and for this week Donna J. Jodhan … Continue reading

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Phone or Customer? – There is No Either/Or!

Greetings everyone and I’m Christian Robicheau! The team is back after a well deserved break and happy to be here. Today, our president Donna J. Jodhan highlights a typical example of some customer reps who seem to forget how or … Continue reading

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How Real Is the Generation Gap? – Yes, No, Maybe?

Hey everyone and I’m Scott Savoy of the Sterling Creations team. We are now in the middle of June and today I am sharing with you a reflective editorial by our president Donna J. Jodhan Tell us what you think! … Continue reading

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Wendy’s Touch Screen Trauma – Once Again Blind and Vision Impaired Customers Have Been Left Behind

Greetings everyone and I’m Christian Robicheau with a great weekend ahead. Today, we are pleased to share one of our president’s investigative pieces and for this week Donna J. Jodhan focuses her attention on Wendy’s touch screen and how it … Continue reading

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The FedEx Fiasco – Great Company but Lousy Employee

Hey everyone and I’m Scott Savoy welcoming you to the month of June. Yes, the jolly month of June and I am pleased to share our president’s weekly editorial with you. Another sharing of a personal experience by Donna J. … Continue reading

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I’ll Call the Police – We Need to Engage Urgently with Our Kids

Greetings everyone and I’m Christian Robicheau closing off the month of May with a very insightful editorial from our president Donna J. Jodhan. Donna is reflectful in her editorial below and I invite you to send your feedback to us … Continue reading

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Turning to Mastodon – Is This the Accessible Alternative to Twitter?

Hey everyone and in my neck of the woods it is a holiday weekend. So Canada, happy Victoria Day holiday to you! Today, our president Donna J. Jodhan shares her views on the arrival of Mastodon. Read her views and … Continue reading

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The Other Side of Online Banking – See Who Is Being Left Behind

And a very happy Mother’s Day to all the moms I know and those I’m yet to know! Above all! To my own Miracle Mom! Happy day! Today, our president has another investigative piece to share with you and she … Continue reading

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The Compensation Crunch – Agencies Guilty of Paying with Gift Cards Instead of Real Compensation

Greetings everyone and we at the Sterling Creations business desk are pleased to share our president’s latest editorial with you. Donna J. Jodhan highlights circumstances where some high profile agencies for the blind and vision impaired are deliberately choosing to … Continue reading

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