Monthly Archives: April 2020

Practising patience – a proven way to success

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A picture with two sides – yours, mine, and the truth

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Let the work continue

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Hard lessons for us – it’s time to learn them

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News – April 2020 – Recognition

In keeping with her commitment to recognize those who have acknowledged her efforts, award-winning author and sight-loss coach Donna Jodhan recognizes the following persons for the month of April 2020, with special thanks to Aaron Di Blasi and Mind Vault … Continue reading

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Ask an Author – April 2020 – Using April Showers

Believe it or not, using April showers to help spark one’s imagination and to stir the creative juices is one of the more potent strategies for many authors and why? It is my firm belief that April showers is a … Continue reading

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Ask an Expert – April 2020 – Making a Community Centre More Accessible

Hello everyone! Each month I will be responding to a question chosen from a pool of some of the most commonly asked ones that I have been asked over the years and continue to be asked. This month, I’d like … Continue reading

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News – April 2020 – An Important Message From Donna Jodhan

The world as we know it today is definitely not what it was as we knew it yesterday and it will not be the same tomorrow after this horrific pandemic is over. We need to do our best to protect … Continue reading

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