Monthly Archives: August 2020

Coping with Covid

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The growing world of online shopping

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Who is king?

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Phrases to live by

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News – August 2020 – Recognition

In keeping with her commitment to recognize those who have acknowledged her efforts, award-winning author and sight-loss coach Donna Jodhan recognizes the following persons for the month of August 2020, with special thanks to Aaron Di Blasi and Mind Vault … Continue reading

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Ask an Author – August 2020 – Birds and Beaches

This is probably one of my most favourite strategies and I often use this one whenever my imagination and creative juices appear to be sagging or wanting to take a summer break. I do not think that one needs to … Continue reading

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Ask an Expert – August 2020 – Making a Career of Perfume Evaluation

Hello everyone! Each month I will be responding to a question chosen from a pool of some of the most commonly asked ones that I have been asked over the years and continue to be asked. This month, I’d like … Continue reading

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The continuing lack of inclusion

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News – August 2020 – Apple-Certified!

We are pleased to announce that on August 4th, 2020, Donna Jodhan joined the exclusive ranks of Apple-certified support professionals when she successfully completed her certification. Donna is extremely pleased because now she will have a brand new path to … Continue reading

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