Is this a Wal-Mart waltz? – this message needs to be clarified

Greetings everyone and I’m Christian Robicheau at the Sterling Creations desk.
Today, our president in her capacity as an investigative reporter looks at a mixed message from the Wal-Mart folks.
She urges you to send your thoughts to
Enjoy your weekend.


Is this a Wal-Mart waltz?
By Donna J. Jodhan

For lack of a better title for this editorial, I am hoping that someone out there can help me to understand this latest action from one of the Wal-Mart stores where I shop.
I am referring to the one at Markham and Steeles in Scarborough Ontario.

The other day when my friend and I drove into the Wal-Mart parking lot my friend observed the following.
4 wheelchair parking spots had been replaced with 4 parking spots for expecting moms.
It appears that this was a very recent change as 2 weeks previous when we went shopping there this was not the case.

For whereas I understand and totally respect the needs and requirements of expecting moms, I also fully understand and respect the needs for customers using wheelchairs.
Both groups require special parking spots but replacing one with another does not really make sense to me.
Maybe someone can explain this logic.
Or even better yet, maybe a Wal-Mart rep can explain this to us so that it makes sense.

Just my two cents for today
Image = a photo of a parking spot reserved for pregnant people.

To learn more about me as an award winning sight loss coach and advocate visit

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Lessons from 80 Years Later – Never to Forget and Always to Keep On Sharing

Hey everyone I’m Scott Savoy at the Sterling Creations Business desk and all refreshed after a bit of a break.
I am very pleased to share our president’s reflections with you for today and for this week Donna J. Jodhan reflects on 80 years ago!
This is a must read and we welcome your feedback at
Happy weekend.

A black and white photo of a World War II memorial sculture on the beach at Arromanches-les-Bains in the Normandy region of France. It depicts two soldiers: one is crawling, while the other is running but reaching back to help his fallen comrade.Lessons from 80 Years Later
by Donna J. Jodhan

On June 06, 2024, I spent time in front of my Television set following the events that marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day. For this year, events were extra special as this was the 80th anniversary, and as I watched, I could not help but wonder how many others, especially our younger generation, were doing as I was.

Eighty years ago, thousands of young soldiers from allied countries risked their lives to save the world! They blundered into battle, not even giving a second thought to whether or not they would ever see their homes and families again. They answered the call of duty and they did so unselfishly, selflessly, and they never asked why.

Fast forward to today and I respectfully ask how many of us could or would do the same?? That was the generation of givers! A generation that is wholly responsible for not just having saved the world! They secured the future of generations to come and we are today because of them!

I can only hope that the majority of us realize and appreciate this! Moreover, I can only hope and pray that we have learned the meaning of true commitment and sacrifice. There are so many lessons to be learned from eighty years ago! Have we learned any of them? Have we taken time to digest and understand them?

Have we taken the time to appreciate, be more grateful, and more humble? Most of all, can we honestly admit to ourselves that we probably have not?

To learn more about me as an award winning sight loss coach and advocate visit



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News – June 2024 – Donna to Teach at EYE Retreat

The EYE Retreat logo.

Donna is delighted to announce that from July 29th to August 2nd, she will be participating in a camp for kids called EYE Retreat (which stands for Envisioning Youth Empowerment Retreat). Donna will be teaching two 1-hour courses each day to the kids—Entrepreneurship 101 and Advocacy 101.

Donna thanks Dr. Alan Chase, the President and Executive Director of the retreat, for giving her this opportunity.

Read more about EYE Retreat below!


The Envisioning Youth Empowerment Retreat was born after passage of the North Carolina Disability History and Awareness Month Act. This legislation mandated that public schools teach disability history, famous people with disabilities, and disability characteristics. Specifically, the legislation suggested that individuals with disabilities be utilized to provide some of the instruction. Our founder, Dr. Alan Chase, was involved in advocating for passage of the legislation and supported curriculum development for implementation in the public schools. Thus, the EYE Retreat was born in 2008.

Why us?

First and foremost, 100% of our leaders and mentors have visual impairments. Our leaders and mentors are successful adults who are either gainfully employed or attending post secondary institutions. Second, our philosophy focuses on the power of peer mentoring. Our mentors help students to develop a toolbox of skills and resources by leading courses on a variety of topics, such as self-advocacy, transitioning to college life, career exploration, and soft skills for employment, that will support them in their future pathways Finally, our mentors guide students in bridging theory into practice by facilitating real world application of skills in the community, such as riding public transportation, navigating a college campus, and visiting local businesses.


Our mission is to provide an opportunity for youth with visual impairments to experience a glimpse of post secondary outcomes (employment, college, etc) through development of mentoring relationships, real world applications, and identification of available resources.


Our vision is to empower and create a community of lifelong learners who will have the tools necessary to be successful in their education, careers, and lives.


“I retreat from no challenge!”

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News – June 2024 – Blindly Brilliant

The Blindly Brilliant logo, featuring pottery on a wooden table.

Donna has been a potter since 2015, and she’s so pleased to announce that her pottery is now available on Etsy, the premiere marketplace website for craftspeople and artisans! Her shop is called Blindly Brilliant and she encourages you to check it out:

She also posts announcements and product offerings in podcast format:

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News – June 2024 – Ask the Business Reviewer

A photo of a typewriter. The page inserted into it has "REVIEW" typed on it.Donna is pleased to add another podcast to her offerings: Ask the Business Reviewer!

Check out the latest episode!

A playlist of all past episodes is also available for you to enjoy.

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News – June 2024 – Your Mental Stretch with Donna

A photo of a woman seated on a dock with her back to the camera. She is doing a seated yoga pose against a serene backdrop of mountains, trees, and clouds.Donna’s “Mental Stretch” feature is a must-listen! Check out the latest episode.

For more, please visit her “Mental Stretch” playlist:

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News – June 2024 – Donna’s Latest for Access to Information News

An image of Donna next to a desk covered with papers, a coffee cup, and an apple computer showing a blog.Donna has resumed posting to the Access to Information News weekly online newsletter sponsored by Mindvault Solutions!

To learn more about Donna as an award-winning sight loss coach and advocate plus more visit

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News – June 2024 – Blog Roundup

An image of Donna next to a desk covered with papers, a coffee cup, and an apple computer showing a blog.Donna’s blog posts give you great insights into her daily life, challenges, and perspectives as a blind/vision impaired person. Here’s a handy roundup of her latest blog posts:

For more like the above, visit Donna’s blog at!

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News – June 2024 – Catch Up on “Ask Donna”

A close-up photo of a microphone.This month, the “Ask Donna” podcast featured the following topics:

You can find Donna’s “Ask Donna” podcast episodes by visiting

You can read Donna’s “Ask an Author” tips by visiting

You can check out Donna’s “Ask an Expert” features by visiting

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News – June 2024 – Dining with Donna

A graphic banner that shows the remains of a restaurant meal with a check presenter. The restaurant bill says "Dining With Donna".

Welcome to Donna’s weekly show where she shares tried and proven recipes with her listeners. Here are the latest episodes:

Text copies are available. Subscribe to Donna’s YouTube channel for more!

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