Jobs and careers identified

Greetings everyone!  I’m Jill Christiansen, manager of writing services at
Today, I have important headlines to share with you on the meaning of a healthy retirement.  I invite you to read on.
As this is my final post for this year, may I take this opportunity to wish you and yours compliments of the season, and I extend to you the very best for 2010.

Jobs and careers identified
Is it possible to have a healthy retirement?
If so, how so?
Please read on.
For a Healthier Retirement, Work a Little – Health News –
By timeinctemp
Compared to those who quit working altogether, those who described themselves as officially retired but who continued to work part-time or in temp jobs were less likely to be diagnosed with eight diseases: high blood pressure, diabetes, … Finances are a primary motivator, said Colin Milner, chief executive officer of the International Council on Active Aging in Vancouver, British Columbia. Baby Boomers — the generation born in the post-World War II years — have taken …
Health News – 
How much do you know about the mature market?
What exactly is the mature market all about?
Please read on.
        Buddy, Can You Spare a Job (press release) – Grenoble,France
        They are all unemployed late in their careers, but they do not want to retire. … The accompanying MetLife Aging Boomer Job Market survey confirmed the …
Read more at:      
How much do you know about the term planned phase retirement?
Could this new term be the answer to a sounder and healthier retirement?
Please read on.
Plan Phased Retirement | Go To Retirement
By Mr. GoTo
I don’t have any statistics to cite but my belief is that more baby boomers are thinking about a phased retirement. There seem to be fewer folks who can. … Keep in mind that many part time jobs do not include benefits. Even when health coverage is theoretically available, some group health plans require a minimum number of hours worked for eligibility. You don’t want to phase yourself right out of coverage. 3. Try to Stay in Your Field. Ideally, your phased retirement …
Go To Retirement – 
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About Donna Jodhan

Donna Jodhan is an award winning blind author, advocate, sight loss coach, blogger, podcast commentator, and accessibility specialist.
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