Hello there! We the business team at www.sterlingcreations.ca would like to bring you an article today which we feel is extremely relevant to the present economic crisis. This article comes from a very respected and expert source and for those of you who are concerned about your investments and savings, we now invite you to read the following article.
What else is there to add to a historic week (and not in a good way!)? The markets declined, just in the month of October a percentage roughly equal to the crash in 1987. All the various acronymed bailout packages have not done the trick and confidence among banks is very low. We keep hearing of lack of lending between banks, a lock-up in the bond and money markets as well as commercial paper markets. Industry as we know it could come to a screeching halt without the grease of loans to buy goods for inventory or to make daily/weekly cash commitments. The economy matters little at this time and it is all about liquidity – who has it, where can it be had and at what price. And as the price rises, fewer are able to afford the borrowing. Over the weekend the major industrialized countries all came together to hammer out a concerted plan providing the needed liquidity to allow the markets to function. The hope that all the countries would put together a plan allowed the markets on Friday to cut their losses, but they remain nearly half of their levels of just a year ago with market losses well in excess of whatever the government has pledged or added to the financial system. Fear and cash are king in today’s market. But we are becoming convinced that among the rubble are opportunities.
Quite frankly, The Elite Option Service is not for everyone. Not all investors have what it takes to become an “elite” option trader. Many have tried and millions have failed. If you feel you have the patience and the “brass balls” to hold an option from $2.00 to $90.00 like I have, continue reading! If you feel you do not have the “brass balls” that are required to join the “elite” and battle like a Spartan Warrior on the front lines of the battlefield, there are plenty of other services available, that will produce profit margins similar to a bank C.D.! If you are still reading that means you take the road less traveled and are not comfortable making anything less than $250,000.00 a year.
If you take the first step in the right direction and join this service, I would like to personally welcome you to the club and also give the 1st 50 people who sign up, the opportunity to exclusively work one on one with me and receive the trades before they enter my portfolio.
How the service works…. It’s very simple – you will be receiving the most explosive option trades just as I am about to hit the “buy” button with my multi-billion dollar finger!!! The basis of this service is not to overwhelm you with too many option trades, because if you do….that’s when you lose control of managing your positions and spread yourself too thin. My investment strategy is more about putting quality trades in my portfolio as opposed to a quantity of trades and hoping I get lucky. The reason I am so successful trading options is my ability to seek out the most explosive trades every week and put the vast majority of my weekly investment capital into these positions. By using my investment strategy, I raise my success rate and profit margin per trade….. through the roof!!!
It should come as no surprise that many of our indicators are on their bellies, awaiting some indication that the world will not end and thereby providing the tinder for a market surge. The rubber band has been stretched by the persistent selling and is due to snap back on the hint of good news. A couple of notes on how low things are today. The market is trading below its 200-day average by the largest amount since the crash of ’29. Our valuation measure is showing an estimated return over the coming 3-5 year period of mid-teens, the highest level for that indicator since the early ’90s. While all the indicators do not mean the market is turning around tomorrow, we are of the belief that the odds are now in our favor that the next few years should provide above average returns for stock investors. As a result, we will be using available cash and bond proceeds to increase our equity exposure over the next few weeks/months to take advantage of what we believe is a good long-term buying opportunity.
The most profitable single trade of all time revealed for the first time to the first 100 to subscribe!
FACT: 99% of investors do not have a clue how to trade the markets. They ride the crashing wave of buying the highs and selling the lows. Only the strong and truly savvy are able to will and manipulate their trades and continue to profit from Wall Street.
For the very first time, we’re revealing a secret strategy to the first 100 subscribers. This bear market strategy is so powerful, government politicians have been trying to outlaw it for years!
This controversial and secretly held technique has made a small select few billionaires. One in particular is our head trader, and owner of Gryphon Hedge Fund – Kenneth Maseka, who in one day alone destroyed a particular company and packed more than $190 million inside a 24 hour stretch!
As we write this report, we should firmly say that this may be the only way to realize triple digit gains over the upcoming year. And for the first time in the history of the company, we are letting 100 investors into our secret and private group.
Dear Worried Investor,
I call it the “Wolf Pack Strategy” headed up by street smart, self made billionaire Kenneth Maseka. At the age of 15 Maseka kn
ew he wanted everything Wall Street could bring. Growing up in Manhattan, the upper half, the place nobody talks about “Hells Kitchen”. An extremely talented and bright investor, it’s been said that he can simply look at the numbers and they just make sense; almost as if they are actual living things. Maseka has been quoted as saying the quotes are as clear to me as a musical score is to a great conductor. I see the symbols as a rhythm, a heartbeat, a pulse, and that makes beautiful music – it all makes perfect sense to me.
For over 100 years, this ruthless group has used this secret strategy to make BILLIONS. Over the last century, this private group of “THE TEN”… 10 traders working in unison since 1991, these quiet stock market masters have used this one simple technique to turn wounded weak stocks into BILLIONS.
The bond market is essentially broken. Trying to sell a good quality corporate bond or heaven forbid a financial related issue is difficult at best. This is also true of municipal bonds, as investors have fled these issues in favor of Treasury issues that provide the needed liquidity. This is the reason for bond yields on Treasury paper held for six months is just a hair over 1.3%. The Fed cut rates by a half a percent earlier in the week and are expected to do so again before yearend – just to keep the juices flowing for the credit market. As a result, the bond model continues to point to lower rates ahead, buying longer dated maturities is getting hazardous for conservative investors. However, for those with an appetite for risk may find some very good bargains in bonds for those willing to accept some volatility in their holdings.
Allow me to be the very first to welcome you to the Gryphon VIP Inner Circle!
By entering the Inner Circle you’ve just become a part of something big…Very big.
Bigger than just a financial advisory or an investment alert… than any newsletter or trading service… You hear what we hear exactly when we hear it…
You see, it’s really much more than all of those things combined. Let me explain…
Stepping into the Inner Circle won’t just change the way you invest. It will change your life in much greater ways that reach far beyond just Wall Street and your investment portfolio. Understand one thing making money is easy making a difference is where we come in, talking about true wealth enough money that the next 100 generations to carry your name couldn’t spend it, you follow me?
That may sound like exaggeration, but believe me when you realize what being a member of the Inner Circle really brings you, you will see that none of these things are outside the realm of possibility.