Top of the day to you out there and a very bright and prosperous New Year to you!
Top Internet languages searched for on the Internet
So many of us often have difficulty in determining which are the most searched for languages on the Internet and you are probably wondering why this would be important to know. It is important if you are thinking of starting or building your translation business. So many of us often make the mistake to blindly assume that certain languages are the most popular and then we use these assumptions to design services and strategies. This is one of the most common pitfalls that is often responsible for the failure of so many translation businesses and it is also a pitfall of many of those companies doing business internationally.
Here are some tips for you to consider if you are either thinking of starting a translation business, or seeking to expand your company’s business to global consumers.
Find out what are the top languages being searched for on the Internet.
Make very sure that you are able to provide the appropriate language resources.
Ensure that your marketing materials which would include your websites are properly translated.
Provide translations that are appropriate to the consumers that you target. For example, if you are targeting consumers of South America, be sure to use Terms that are used by South American Spanish-speaking consumers and not terms used by consumers of Spain.
Use the top languages being sought to help you design and develop services to your global consumers.
I would like to close by giving you a reference to investigate.
SMX London 2008 – Day 1 “High Fives”
By richardbaxterseo
Check out this “country codes of the world” diagram by John Yunker, at Byte Level Research. It’s yours for $30! Top internet languages searched for on the internet as follows (in order):. English Chinese Spanish Japanese …
SEOgadget –
If you require translation services then please visit
I’m Donna J Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.
Donna J Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations
Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at: (access and accessibility) (accessibility issues in Canada) (accessibility and disability issues on the international scene) (under the café talk link) (important answers to consumers concerns) (monthly editorial) (blogs for language professionals and special needs business consultants)