Greetings everyone! I’m Jill Christiansen, manager of writing services at
Today, I have important headlines to share with you; all about retirement plans for aging baby boomers. Please take a few minutes to read on.
Jobs and careers identified
Do you know which assetts you should be using to turn into income in order to meet your retirement expenses?
Not sure who to ask?
Then please read on.
Life Insurers Profit as Retirees Fear Outliving Their Savings from …
By GoliathJobs
“As more baby boomers need to turn assets into income, they’ll choose income annuities to guarantee they can at least cover basic expenses.” Sales of immediate annuities, which start making payments to investors within 13 months from … Blog – Are baby boomers and retirees competing for jobs?
If so, how is this going to affect both groups?
To learn more, please read on.
Is This Rally Out of Sync with the Economy ?
Is This Rally Out of Sync with the Economy?
ETFguide – Carlsbad,CA,USA
Baby boomers were responsible for nearly 80% of the spending growth from … to come and buy ‘stuff’ may soon find that retirees are competing for jobs. …
Read more at:
What kind of retirement plan is baby boomers leaning towards these days?
Is it one that will help them cope more effectively?
Please read on.
My Take On …: Retirement put on hold: Option, start your own …
By Joseph Lizio
A recent article on MSNBC titled, “The new ‘retirement’ plan: Keep working” kind of says it all about what baby boomers are now facing. Now, trillions of dollars of housing equity have been destroyed, retirement savings have vaporized and pension funds are … So, instead of searching the classified for local minimum wage jobs in your area think about self-employment. There are many resources on the web that can get you started or thinking about your business properly. …
My Take On … –
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