A Friendship Alphabet
Greetings! I’m Nico Trimoff, manager of transcription and accessibility services at www.sterlingcreations.ca.
Today, I have yet another light hearted article to share with you but one that makes for very interesting reading and thinking.
Please enjoy it.
I wish you a great day.
A Friendship Alphabet
. A Friend….
(A)= Accepts you as you are
(B)= Believes in “you”
(C)= Calls you just to say “HI”
(D)= Doesn’t give up on you
(E)= Envisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)
(F)= Forgives your mistakes
(G)= Gives unconditionally
(H)= Helps you
(I)= Invites you over
(J)= Just “be” with you
(K)= Keeps you close at heart
(L)= Loves you for who you are
(M)= Makes a difference in your life
(N)= Never Judges
(O)= Offer support
(P)= Picks you up
(Q)= Quiets your fears
(R)= Raises your spirits
(S)= Says nice things about you
(T)= Tells you the truth when you need to hear it
(U)= Understands you
(V)= Values you
(W)= Walks beside you
(X)= X-plains thing you don’t understand
(Y)= Yells when you won’t listen and
(Z)= Zaps you back to reality
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About Donna Jodhan
Donna Jodhan is an award winning blind author, advocate, sight loss coach, blogger, podcast commentator, and accessibility specialist.