It’s a brand new year and I’m Christian Robicheau wish one and all a bright and prosperous 2024!
Today, our president Donna J. Jodhan looks through her so-called crystal ball and shares her vision with us.
Please take a few minutes to read!
Wishing you a great weekend.
Through the Eyes of My Crystal Ball
by Donna J. Jodhan
At the beginning of every year, I like to have a bit of fun by bringing out my so-called crystal ball and gazing through it to see what I may be able to predict.
For 2024, I don’t think that things are going to change too much where our technological landscape is concerned however I believe that there are certain things that we need to take note of if we are really serious about wanting and making changes. That is, we will not be able to fix certain issues and gaps unless we recognize and take affirmative steps.
Here goes.
On December 19 2023, The Apple Corporation announced its New Digital badges from Apple_ Training by us_ Recognized by the world_. All well and good as this giant tech continues to travel the technological world but sadly enough; there is a very dark and concerning side to this so-called bright spot and it is this.
It still needs to find meaningful ways for persons with disabilities to be able to participate in their exams as there still exist mountainous challenges for persons with disabilities to be able to take exams independently. We need to ask Pearson OnVUE if they have done anything to fix their inaccessible online exam system.
This will not be addressed unless persons with disabilities speak up and speak out.
Then we have those entities whose Chairs and presidents send out Christmas greetings to persons with vision impairments in emails containing images as their content. This needs to be fixed immediately and Chairs and Presidents made aware of their glitches. This can be easily fixed.
We will need to continue to build awareness among governmental departments and entities and other stake holders to educate them and to build awareness as to how to communicate electronically. Not through inaccessible pdf files and documents but through accessible ones.
Then there is the so-called gate keeper of Human Rights in Canada; the Canadian Human Rights Commission! The total imbalance between complainants and respondents is only going to continue unless this Commission finds a potent way to fix this and I am going to put my head on the chopping block by respectfully saying that if nothing positive is done in this circumstance then much sooner than later someone will stand up and take them through the legal echelons.
I also think that as the push to the online world continues at a rapid rate, more seniors, persons with disabilities, those who are unable to afford to buy technology, and those who did not grow up with technology are going to be left more and more behind. What could change this concerning trend is if companies recognize that with a rapidly aging population their bottom lines will soon start to be affected.
My final thoughts
And it’s time for me to take a long hard look and see what I can!
For better or for worse!
Just my two cents for today!
To learn more about me as an award winning sight loss coach and advocate visit