That very memorable day still lingers in my memory bank even after 10 years. Not so long ago but maybe too long ago? November 29 2010; the day that the late Richard Quan tweeted “a landmark victory for all Canadians.”
Then the tweets started to flow followed by the phone calls. First there were phone calls from the late Cathy Moore followed by Melanie Marsden. Tweets from Brian Moore and o yes! The two very important calls from Robin East and David Baker.
No time to let the tears flow! No time to breathe freely! No time to control a racing heart beat! Just enough time to thank God that we had done it!
The excited voices of John Rea and Sharlyn Ayotte! This was our victory! We had done it! A landmark victory for all Canadians with disabilities! A great team to thank and my dream of doing this for the kids of the future was just beginning!
The teamwork was simply flawless! From lawyer and accessibility experts to the AEBC’s superb showing at court! We did it and we were all so proud and I was just so very humbled that I got to be a part of this!
Now it was time for me to journey down to David Baker’s office to face the media and to celebrate with Jutta Traviranus and Jan Richards. We had done it! I was not dreaming! Michelle Cushner’s call was real and David Baker’s words were true and strong! We had won!
Mom helped me to get ready for my trip to David’s office. She prepared a huge brunch and made sure that I ate a fair amount of it, made sure that my hair was correctly combed, my makeup was good, and that my suit was void of any dusty specs, and with that very quiet reassurance from her at the door; I was on my way. Gerry Manley was waiting downstairs for me and as I got into his cab I could not help but thank God for all of these wonderful folks who helped to make this come true. Yes! A dream come true and way beyond anyone’s expectations or hopes!
I don’t think that I was really ready for the coverage that followed that day. With so many congratulations from friends and associates from across Canada, America, and even from across the pond! I found myself being completely overwhelmed and at times feeling as if I was drifting in a sea filled with lots of happy fishes swimming around me, sweet song birds serenading overhead, blue skies with milky white clouds, and a happy face of a morning’s sun smiling down on me.
That was 10 years ago and this is now. 10 years later and we all continue to dream and fight for a better future for our kids! To keep on fighting the good fight and to keep on collaborating, communicating, and hoping.
Our work will probably never be completed. We have come a very long way from 10 years ago. Now we have to work on sharpening the Accessible Canada Act to ensure that hopes and dreams continue to be realized!
To our team and all of our faithful supporters! Thank you! Thank you!
And a very special thanks to Shannon and Velvit; those wonderful teachers at the Grove Community School and their super kids who supported us all the way!
There are so many other wonderful folks to thank but you know who you are!
Just my two cents for today.