Over this weekend Canada will be celebrating its annual Thanksgiving and for this year I think that many would agree with me that this particular Thanksgiving is going to be one with a definite twist.
Sure! Many of us will have food on our tables but the twist comes when most of us are going to be celebrating Thanksgiving without the presence of family members. In addition, many of us will be sitting down to a Thanksgiving meal that will probably not be as sumptuous, delicious, or plenteous.
Thanksgiving this year will definitely have a twist to it and we can blame it all on Covid! However, and according to Prime Minister Trudeau; if we do things correctly and responsibly, we will have a good chance at being able to be together for Christmas!
We may be presently dealing with an unexpected challenge and very uncertain times but we still have much to be thankful for.
We are living in a country where fresh running water abounds. We have enough food for those who can afford it and we are in a position to help the less fortunate.
We continue to show passion, compassion, and helping and willing hands to those who are struggling.
Our sympathy and empathy for our fellow Canadians continue to be at proud levels.
We are living in a country where free speech is very much present.
We are living in a country where Federal and Provincial governments continue to put their differences aside for the good of Canadians.
And we are living in a country where we are all striving to use our knowledge, experience, and propensity to create and recreate in order to reap the benefits of technology.
We must not give up now!
We must continue to work towards helping others to find new jobs, resurrect old jobs, and keep existing jobs!
We must continue to complain less, collaborate more, and reach out to each other more widely.
Let us be grateful for who we are and where we live!
Happy Thanksgiving Canada!
Just my two cents for today.