It is almost always easier for us to point fingers rather than taking the high road. It is almost always easier for us to point fingers rather than offering suggested solutions. And it is almost always easier for us to point fingers rather than accepting a bit of the blame.
This so-called scenario or syndrome will probably never go away but I truly believe that if we make a super conscious effort to bear it in mind each time we open our mouths to criticize, it may help to make this world a better place in which to exist.
Call me someone with blinders on; but we could try couldn’t we? President John F. Kennedy once said that an error is not a mistake unless you refuse to correct it. So why can’t we at least try to reduce our mistakes by not repeating them?
I would say that there is never a good time to point the finger and at this time as the world struggles to survive this horrific virus, we may do well to use our fingers to create and develop meaningful solutions rather than using them to point at others. Point fingers at others is what I call useless energy.
Blaming others, criticizing others, and complaining about others through the pointing of fingers does nothing but to create disharmony and contention. Bitterness, ill feelings, and disruption.
Just my two cents for today.