As I sit here contemplating the past year, it occurs to me that yes! Much more needs to be done when it comes to fighting for our future. We have done much in this area but now we need to encourage our under 50s folks to put more effort in to committing, engaging, collaborating, and communicating.
True it is that things have changed markedly especially so over the last decade but this does not mean that the fight should end here. Today’s generation is blessed with much more than those who are over 50 years. They must not forget that their blessings are a direct result of the hard work that those before them worked so very hard for.
Today’s generation needs to fully understand that things did not happen by magic. They materialized as a result of commitment, engagement, collaboration, and communication. They materialized because those before them fought for them and fought the good fight.
It happened in the same way that our brave young men and women fought for our future when they served in Wars gone by. As I often say to younger ones; when you wake up each morning and reach for your iDevice, just remember that this came to you courtesy of yesterday Generation’s technological innovations and visions. Especially so to Steve Jobs and his foresights.
Just my two cents for today.