Hello there! I’m Donna J. Jodhan, president of www.sterlingcreations.ca.
Today, I would like to shine the light on Korea.
I think that Korea is doing something extremely interesting and that is making it possible for their citizens to learn different foreign languages. Languages that are some of the most popularly spoken in the world today and what that does is this:
Koreans will have the opportunity to become better equipped as global travelers, business and commerce professionals, traders, and as a whole better able to meet the challenges of global affairs. Many other governments should be taking a long hard look at this example and use it to help their people to do likewise.
Korea is going places despite the economic crisis and it is a country that is determined to help its people do the same. The Korean government has always been able to think ahead and it has the resources to help propel its people in to many leadership positions in many arenas.
The languages that it has chosen to promote are very wise choices as these are some of the more popular languages being spoken and written today around the world. In addition, the Korean government has chosen the right number of languages to promote. Not too few and on the other hand not too many. Just the right number so as not to confuse its people.
What this will mean is that those of you who are seeking opportunities to do more trade and business with Korea will find yourselves being faced with some very exciting and interesting possibilities. Keep on going Korea! This country is going places and its economy is poised to break out of the pack as soon as things settle down. A bright light in the not too distant future.
I will like to close by giving you a reference to investigate.
State-run Network Offers Korean Lessons
?????? – South Korea
The 10 foreign languages are English, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Vietnamese and Indonesian. The free Korean language …
Read more at:
If you require translation services then please visit www.translationpeople.com, a subsidiary of www.sterlingcreations.ca.
I’m Donna J Jodhan wishing you a terrific day.
Donna J Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations
Now you can view blogs and editorials written by Donna at:
http://numpadplus.com/blog/?page_id=7 (access and accessibility)
http://www.accessibilitynews.ca/acnews/editorials/donna.php (accessibility issues in Canada)
http://www.accessibilitynewsinternational.com (accessibility and disability issues on the international scene)
http://www.onestopbookcafe.com (under the café talk link)
http://www.untappedwealth.com/businessdesk.html (important answers to consumers concerns)
https://www.sterlingcreations.ca/magazine.html (monthly editorial)
https://www.sterlingcreations.ca/blog/blog.html (blogs for language professionals and special needs business consultants)