Jobs and careers identified

Greetings everyone!  I’m Jill Christiansen, manager of writing services at
Today, I have news and headlines for you on how our economy is doing and where jobs and careers are presently gathering for baby boomers and retirees.
Please read on.

Jobs and careers identified
Would you like to know where or in which regions the economy is starting to right itself?
Did you know that the economy is starting to stabalize faster in certain areas than in others?
Please read on.
        Economy shows signs of stabilizing, but some regions may lag in a …
        Los Angeles Times – CA,USA
        But some states are harder hit than others, and some jobs may never return. … “Baby boomers are in between now. Even ones who could potentially retire are …
Read more at:,0,1933819.story
Are you familiar with the three degrees of retirement preparedness?
If so, do you know how to implement it?
Please read on.
Three degress of retirement preparedness
Sad to say, “the average Baby Boomer either is, or will be soon, in the red zone,” Otar warns. Their best hope is to remain in the workforce as long as possible, which may be fine for those who enjoy their jobs. …
FPL FP Top Stories List – 
Are you having difficulty dealking with the credit squeeze?
Not sure how to start earning more on your stocks and bonds?
Please read on. 
Owner Earnings: Chain reaction of events that leads to blatantly …
By Owner Earnings
Not to mention the retirees living off the interest on their bonds are receiving less money. To top it off, credit has been drastically scaled back. To sum it all up, people simply don’t have the money or the credit to keep spending. …. More people, especially the baby boomers, who would have retired won’t retire because they need the money, hence increasing the supply of labor. This creates a negative feedback loop where baby boomers staying in their jobs prevent other …
Owner Earnings – 
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About Donna Jodhan

Donna Jodhan is an award winning blind author, advocate, sight loss coach, blogger, podcast commentator, and accessibility specialist.
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