Top of the day to you out there! I’m Donna J. Jofdhan, president of
Chinese translations
Despite the present global economic crisis, China may very well still be a good place for Western investors to consider. The Chinese economy is still growing but at a slower pace these days and the Chinese government is doing everything in its power to ensure that growth continues.
There is no doubt that Chinese consumers are very hungry for Western products and services but there is one thing that Westerners should keep in mind before they decide to enter the Chinese arena and that is: China has a very huge population, most of whom do not speak English and in order to do business in China investors would have to ensure that they equip their staff with language professionals who can speak both English and Chinese. In addition, they would also need to make themselves familiar with the culture and customs of China. Each province of China has its own dialect and set of customs and culture and these variables should also be factored in during the analysis phase of one’s investigation into whether or not to invest in China.
When it comes to investing in China, India, or even any other country in Asia, The difference between success and failure often lies in how much effort has been put into the analysis. So often, many investors fail to consider the entire picture choosing instead to look at just part of it. Translation is not the only piece to the puzzle. Culture and customs are also just as important.
I am going to close by giving you a reference to investigate.
Chinese Translations
By infinitycarinsuranceqx
Chinese translation is also necessitated by the fact that China has a huge human resource, which is not familiarized with English language. Multinational global companies are flocking to China with the advent of free economy. …
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If you require translation services then please visit, a subsidiary of
I’m Donna J Jodhan wishing you a terrific day and wishing you the peace and joy of Easter.
Donna J Jodhan is the president of Sterling Creations
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