Let’s Talk Tips
Wednesday, May 1st 2019 – Volume 8
An Author Donna Jodhan Publication
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This month in Let’s Talk Tips:
1.) Building Web Accessibility for 2019
In this highly informative article author and software engineer Alexander Surkov posits that websites are built inaccessible not only because rich media content is highly dynamic, which makes it not trivial to describe its semantics, but also because there’s no proper technology on the web to express such content semantics to the assistive technologies. (Thinking ARIA? Read on.) You may wonder why, with all the technologies to create web content out there, we do not have one to make it accessible? Here’s an explanation.
2.) We’ve Been Warned About AI And Music For Years, But No One’s Prepared
AI is capable of making music, but does that make AI an artist? As AI begins to reshape how music is made, our legal systems are going to be confronted with some messy questions regarding authorship. Do AI algorithms create their own work, or is it the humans behind them? What happens if AI software trained solely on Beyoncé creates a track that sounds just like her? “I won’t mince words,” says Jonathan Bailey, CTO of iZotope. “This is a total legal cluster …”
3.) Google’s AI Experts Attempt To Automate Themselves
Recent advances in AI have raised questions about the effect of smarter machines on jobs for humans. They have mostly focused on relatively low-status work such as driving trucks and checking out shoppers. An recent experiment that played out on April 11, 2019 offered a look at how AI may change other strata of the labor market, too. In AutoML, the high priests of the technology — some of the world’s most highly valued employees — direct the technology to disrupt their own work.
4.) Rethinking Physical Security. Watch A Homemade Robot Crack A Safe in Just 15 Minutes
Last Christmas, Nathan Seidle’s wife gave him a second-hand safe she’d found on Craigslist. It was, at first glance, a strange gift. The couple already owned the same model, a $120 SentrySafe combination fire safe they’d bought from Home Depot. But this one, his wife explained, had a particular feature: The original owner had locked it and forgotten the combination. Her challenge to Seidle: Open it.
5.) Project Blue: A Smart, Networkable and Easy to Manipulate Robot Arm for Just $5K
Automating many tasks will involve exploring the frontier of how robots grasp, manipulate, and interact with all kinds of objects. “This robot is designed for the assumption that in the future, robots will be controlled much more intelligently by AI systems that use visual feedback, that use force feedback, much like how humans control their own arms,” says UC Berkeley’s Pieter Abbeel, a robotics researcher who’s overseeing the project.
1.) Healthy Diet Tips to Survive for Sweltering Summer This Year
Be summer ready guys! Restore and replenish your skin and physical health as we suggest some amazing health and diet tips to survive the sweltering summer this year.
2.) Diet Tips For Moms: 6 Surefire Ways To Lose Weight After Pregnancy
Pregnant moms are required to eat for two people in order for them to properly sustain their young. After giving birth, some lose the extra weight through breastfeeding. Others retain their eating habits making it harder for them to lose the extra pounds. Here are seven diet tips for moms who are eager to lose weight after pregnancy.
3.) Mayor Kapszukiewicz Launches Weight Loss Challenge
With a mix of local celebrities, food and fitness tips, and the honor system, Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz is hoping to improve the health of all Toledoans.
4.) 5 Tips for Living a Healthy Lifestyle
Everything from gym memberships or personal trainers to buying organic produce comes at a cost. When you’re living on a fixed income as you plan for retirement, you don’t want to be spending a lot of money on what could be considered luxuries.
5.) 10 Fat-Loss Tips Straight From Beachbody Experts (So You Know They’ll Work!)
Serious about losing fat but you don’t know where to begin? We asked three Beachbody experts to share their top tips. You’ll read fitness tips from Beachbody supertrainer and creator of LIIFT4 Joel Freeman. We also tapped registered dietitian Ilana Muhlstein, MS, creator of Beachbody’s 2B Mindset nutrition program, for her tips on what and how to eat. And of course, we had to get insight from Beachbody supertrainer Autumn Calabrese, creator of 80 Day Obsession, for her tips on exercise and diet. Start incorporating these tips today, so you can start seeing results.
1.) A Wild Plan To Crowdsource The Fight Against Misinformation
Claire Wardle fights zombies. Not the dead human kind, but rather the fake “facts” that have been debunked and disproven but refuse to die online. You know the kind. No need to reanimate them here. Wardle has taken to calling them “zombie rumors,” and it’s her life work to eradicate them in their many forms — misinformation posted by individuals in their personal Facebook feeds; massive disinformation campaigns coordinated by nation-state-backed propagandists; fake information perpetuated by persistent algorithms.
2.) Instagram Has Considered Hiding the Like Count on People’s Photos
Instagram has considered hiding the like count on photos, so audiences can’t see how many people have liked an individual post. An unreleased feature that would publicly hide like counts was spotted on April 18, 2019 by code hunter Jane Wong, who says the test states that Instagram wants “your followers to focus on what you share, not how many likes your posts get.” Only the person who posted a photo will be able to see the number of likes it’s received.
3.) Helvetica, The World’s Most Popular Font, Gets A Face Lift
“Helvetica is like water,” says a recent video about the most popular typeface in the world. The 62-year-old font family, with its sans-serif shapes and clean corners, is ubiquitous. It is used on the signage in New York’s subway system. It is the brand identity of American Airlines, as well as American Apparel. It is on those unfortunate T-shirts that say things like “John & Paul & Ringo & George.”
4.) Facebook Adds ‘Dark Mode’ to Regular Messenger Settings
After initially making ‘Dark Mode’ available via an Easter egg within Messenger, which required users to send a moon emoji in a chat, Facebook has now added the option to its regular Messenger settings. “After a month-long Easter Egg activation with countless crescent moon emojis, we are excited to announce that everyone around the world will be able to activate Dark Mode in Messenger with a simple toggle switch from settings. The toggle is rolling out globally today. (April 16, 2019)”
5.) Pinstagram? Instagram Code Reveals Public Collections Feature
Instagram is threatening to attack Pinterest just as it files to go public the same way the Facebook-owned app did to Snapchat. Code buried in Instagram for Android shows the company has prototyped an option to create public “Collections” to which multiple users can contribute. Instagram launched private Collections two years ago to let you Save and organize your favorite feed posts. But by allowing users to make Collections public, Instagram would become a direct competitor to Pinterest.
1.) Alert 360 Home Security Shares Home Improvement Steps to Help Prevent Home Break-Ins
National statistics show that home burglaries and crime often increase with warmer weather. Alert 360, the fifth largest provider of home security systems and smart home services in the United States, suggests the following springtime landscaping and home improvement tips for increasing your home’s security and family’s safety.
2.) Taiwanese Craft Advances on Bangkok, Striving for New Southbound Market Opportunities
National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute (NTCRI) signed a memorandum of cooperation with The SUPPORT Arts and Crafts International Centre of Thailand (SACICT) last year to open up a new southbound cultural exchange and business opportunities.
3.) 42% of Baby Boomers Are Putting Their Retirement at Risk With This Mistake
Take a moment and think about where all your money is going each month. Do you have an idea of the dollar amount you spend on necessities versus nonnecessities? If not, you’re not alone — and it’s potentially hurting your chances of enjoying a comfortable retirement.
4.) Best Antivirus Programs for Your Mac
Macs have a pretty solid reputation when it comes to avoiding security breaches. Apple has mainly watched from the sidelines as criminals launch volleys at Windows machines, which are a juicier target thanks to how many of them are out there compared to Macs. But Macs aren’t bulletproof, which is why installing an antivirus program is a smart move. “Antivirus” protection is just one facet of a full security suite, but it has become a shorthand way to refer to computer security software.
5.) All Businesses Should Follow These 4 SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) & Cybersecurity Tips!
Below, we offer a list of some of the most important SIEM tips we could find. But why should your enterprise take them to heart? How can these SIEM tips clarify and reinforce your cybersecurity policies?
1.) Smithsonian Visitors With Vision Loss Benefit From Innovative Technology Starting This Spring
Starting this Spring, Smithsonian visitors who are blind or have low vision can access a groundbreaking technology that uses their smartphone cameras or special glasses to get free on-demand verbal descriptions of everything from individual objects to entire exhibitions from sighted agents.
2.) Onley’s Long Road to Accessibility. A Lesson for Us All
We all complain, habitually and self-pityingly, about punishing snowfalls. Especially lately. But for David Onley, the snow banks and other barriers never truly melt away.
3.) Ontario Nowhere Near Goal of Full Accessibility by 2025, Review Finds
The accessibility law that took effect in Ontario 14 years ago and has served as a blueprint for similar legislation in other parts of Canada has fallen well short of its goals and continues to leave disabled residents facing daily, “soul-crushing” barriers, a former lieutenant governor has found.
4.) Compass Slapped With Lawsuit Over Website Access for the Blind
Discrimination lawsuit highlights legal risk for brokerages that don’t comply with Americans with Disabilities Act. Compass is being sued for allegedly failing to make its website fully accessible to blind people, raising the specter that real estate brokerages remain exposed to a legal risk about which the National Association of Realtors had previously warned members.
5.) Tokyo Paralympics Aim to Leave Legacy of Accessibility
Japan hopes to use the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics as an opportunity to become a more inclusive and accessible society, and in 2018 games organizers made some strides towards making it a reality.
Author Donna Jodhan is a blind author, advocate, blogger, podcast commentator, and accessibility specialist. If you enjoy the work of Author Donna Jodhan, please consider supporting her, the CCB Mysteries Chapter, and the many other initiatives undertaken by Donna Jodhan and Friends, and the many organizations with which they collaborate, by becoming an Active Support Member today. Author Donna Jodhan and Friends currently offer three (3) levels of support membership for your consideration. Each with some pretty awesome perks. Choose from donation packages of $10, $20, or $30 per year. You can check out all the perks that come with each package on her Donate page at: http://www.donnajodhan.com/donate.html.
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The Let’s Talk Tips Newsletter is an Author Donna Jodhan Publication. Donna Jodhan is a blind author, advocate, blogger, podcast commentator, and accessibility specialist. The Let’s Talk Tips Newsletter is your monthly resource for the most current and reliable informational tips available in the areas of Technology, Nutrition, Media, Business, and Advocacy. The Let’s Talk Tips Newsletter is sent out by email and Facebook on the 1st Monday of every month at 6:00 AM EST.
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Each month we aggregate all of the very best tips we can find in the areas of Technology, Nutrition, Media, Business, and Advocacy. If you are a writer, author, blogger or podcaster of informational tips in any of these areas, and you would like for your content to be considered for publication within this newsletter, you may send any information for future issues to our editor, Donna Jodhan, at LetsTalkTips@DonnaJodhan.com.