Let’s Talk Tips
Friday, March 1st 2019 – Volume 6
An Author Donna Jodhan Publication
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This month in Let’s Talk Tips:
1.) Bigger Text on iPad
While many iPad users may know about the general text size slider in Settings, there is another deeper text settings option that allows for notably larger text size to be used as well.
2.) ThisPersonDoesNotExist.com Uses AI to Generate Endless Fake Faces
Although the ability of AI to generate fake visuals is not yet mainstream knowledge, a new website, ThisPersonDoesNotExist.com, offers a quick and persuasive education.
3.) Apple’s Netflix Competitor will Reportedly be Unveiled in March… or Maybe April
Apple’s upcoming March 25th event will see the introduction of the company’s long-awaited video subscription service, according to a new report from Bloomberg. BuzzFeed News has reported that Apple plans to announce its news subscription service at the March event, but it seems like the company has more than just that in the works.
4.) OpenAI Built a Text Generator So Good, It’s Considered Too Dangerous to Release
A storm is brewing over a new language model, built by non-profit artificial intelligence research company OpenAI, which it says is so good at generating convincing, well-written text that it’s worried about potential abuse. That’s angered some in the community, who have accused the company of reneging on a promise not to close off its research.
5.) New Startup, Postscript, Wants to be the MailChimp for SMS
Postscript, a startup launching out of Y Combinator’s latest class, wants to learn from what email marketing got right and translate that to the next frontier of B2C communications: SMS. It basically wants to be the Mailchimp for texts.
1.) How To Eat And Exercise For EVERY Decade
Health And Fitness experts share the tips and tricks that will give you your dream figure at any age.
2.) A Practical Guide to Engaging Individuals with Obesity
Obesity is officially recognised as a chronic disease and a top public health priority by several global societies and healthcare bodies. In some European countries, the majority of the adult population is either overweight or obese, with major implications for patient health and healthcare systems.
3.) Weight Loss: The Best Diet For A Healthy Weight Loss According To NHS
Weight loss can be a difficult journey, especially if you’re not sure where to begin. There is no ‘best method’ or specific diet plan to shed the pounds, but there are simple changes a person can make to their diet to see weight loss results.
4.) Rapid Weight Loss May Be Unhealthy, Follow These 10 Sensible Tips To Get A Flat Belly And Stay Slim Forever
Not losing weight despite practicing calorie restriction? Avoid fad diets, follow these simple and healthy weight loss tips instead to help you get a flat belly and stay slim for life.
5.) Healthy Habits For Life: 10 Tips For Better Meal Prep
Meal planning can make a huge impact in helping you reach your weight-loss goals faster. Not only can you consume fewer calories, but it can actually help you save time during the week. Plus, having a fridge stocked with healthy meals and snacks is especially important during the holidays or times when you’re busy and stressed. Here are 10 tips to help you get the most of out of meal prep so it becomes a healthy, life-long habit.
1.) Why do you hate Jacob?
Apple’s latest iPhone ad shows a different kind of portrait mode ‘fail’, and frankly, we think it’s hilarious.
2.) Twitter Has Been Storing Your ‘Deleted’ DMs for Years
Twitter lets users delete direct messages from their own side of the conversation, but it turns out those deleted messages aren’t really getting removed at all, according to a report from security researcher Karan Saini, via TechCrunch.
3.) YouTuber Shot While Filming Security Guard Outside Synagogue
The YouTuber is part of a community of YouTubers known as “First Amendment Auditors” who film themselves interacting with cops and visiting government locations with the stated goal of holding the government accountable and educating Americans about their rights. In practice, many of these videos become confrontational, leading to escalating law enforcement reactions and, in some cases, arrests.
4.) Instagram Direct Messaging Could Be Coming to Browsers, Desktop
A software engineer spotted that it’s testing an expanded version of Direct.
5.) Please Stop Marking Yourself as Safe on Facebook
They don’t mean to prey on our anxieties. They mean to assuage them. But all they do is reinforce the incorrect notion that the world is a terrifying place where unpredictable awful things happen frequently; they worsen the problem by attempting to treat the symptom.
1.) Five Top Tips For Small Businesses Adopting Encryption
Becrypt summarizes the top-five issues that small businesses should think about if they are looking at adopting disk encryption, or if they’re looking at undertaking wider rollouts of disk encryption.
2.) Hackers Yell, Curse at Family After Accessing Security Camera Account, Couple Says
If you have security cameras connected to the internet inside your home, you’re going to want to play close attention to this story. A local family says someone hacked their account and watched them for weeks inside their home; even yelling and cursing at their children.
3.) The 10 Best Jobs Working From Home
Working from home is the job dream situation for millions of workers. But it may surprise you to know there are literally hundreds of companies providing opportunities to do just that.
4.) How to Cruise with a Conscience
For some, there’s nothing more luxurious than embarking on a cruise ship holiday. Sailing the high seas with nothing to look at but the horizon and nothing to think of but the exciting city stops you’ll make on your journey, it can be hard to really appreciate the impact these vessels are having on the environment.
5.) Retirement? Boomers Aren’t Ready Yet
Retirement isn’t for everybody — or at least not every baby boomer. The generation closest to retirement isn’t ready to leave the workforce, according to an Express Employment Professional poll of 1,500 U.S. workers between 54 and 72 years old, conducted by Harris Poll.
1.) CRTC Mandates Standards for TTY, IP Relay Accessibility Messaging Services
Individuals who are deaf, hard-of-hearing or deafblind will soon have access to faster, better message relay services.
2.) Accommodating Students With Disabilities on Campus: Moving Beyond Silos
A new report looks at how accessibility and accommodations are meeting the needs of disabled students across Canada.
3.) New Disability Stats
Canadians With Disabilities: A Demographic, Employment and Income Profile, 2017
4.) D-Net Re-discovered: Benchmark Disability TV Series Now on YouTube
It was the first program at the CBC to employ people with disabilities on air and behind the cameras. It was the first to provide them with professional training and get them started in broadcasting careers.
5.) Inaccessible Retail Sites Continue to Miss Out on Millions, as New Survey Launches
A new version of a survey to assess the online shopping experience of people with disabilities has launched, to find out whether businesses have improved their websites.
Author Donna Jodhan is a blind author, advocate, blogger, podcast commentator, and accessibility specialist. If you enjoy the work of Author Donna Jodhan, please consider supporting her, the CCB Mysteries Chapter, and the many other initiatives undertaken by Donna Jodhan and Friends, and the many organizations with which they collaborate, by becoming an Active Support Member today. Author Donna Jodhan and Friends currently offer three (3) levels of support membership for your consideration. Each with some pretty awesome perks. Choose from donation packages of $10, $20, or $30 per year. You can check out all the perks that come with each package on her Donate page at: http://www.donnajodhan.com/donate.html.
#Subscription Information:
The Let’s Talk Tips Newsletter is an Author Donna Jodhan Publication. Donna Jodhan is a blind author, advocate, blogger, podcast commentator, and accessibility specialist. The Let’s Talk Tips Newsletter is your monthly resource for the most current and reliable informational tips available in the areas of Technology, Nutrition, Media, Business, and Advocacy. The Let’s Talk Tips Newsletter is sent out by email and Facebook on the 1st Monday of every month at 6:00 AM EST.
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Each month we aggregate all of the very best tips we can find in the areas of Technology, Nutrition, Media, Business, and Advocacy. If you are a writer, author, blogger or podcaster of informational tips in any of these areas, and you would like for your content to be considered for publication within this newsletter, you may send any information for future issues to our editor, Donna Jodhan, at LetsTalkTips@DonnaJodhan.com.