I like to think of this situation as a double edge sword. On the one hand we have a situation where self service systems help to reduce costs for companies but when it comes to how it affects those with a disability then this is an entirely different situation.
True it is that we need to keep embracing change, innovation, and technological evolution but then we need to find ways to enable our disabilities persons communities to be able to keep up with all of this.
When it comes to self service kiosks, the disadvantages for those with a disability could include any of the following.
Difficulty in being able to reach the screen for those in wheelchairs.
An inability to know what is on the screen if their is either no voice over software or other types of voice oriented software for those who are blind or vision impaired.
An inability to respond to questions or input information if there are no buttons as persons who are blind and/or vision impaired are unable to easily negotiate touch screens.
An inability for those with dexterity problems to negotiate a touch screen.
I believe that if self service kiosks are to be made accessible to everyone, then there needs to be open collaboration between companies, manufacturers, and persons with disabilities. The important thing to keep in mind here is that with a rapidly aging population persons with disabilities are fast becoming the bread and butter consumer.
Companies need to keep this in mind: Yes, self service kiosks can definitely reduce costs but yes as well! You can also increase your revenues if you include the needs and requirements of persons with disabilities as well as seniors and those who are technically shy.
Just my two cents for today.