With the holiday season in full swing; I’d like to share some very useful info which pertains to those companies that continue to be suffering from what I call the complacency syndrome and I would encourage you to think carefully before you decide to use their services or to buy products from them.
For alas! The complacency syndrome seems to be growing and companies from all sectors seem to be guilty of it. I am going to identify those companies that I have either had direct experience with or those that have been identified by others whose opinions I trust. So here goes.
Hims International
A company that sells products to persons with special needs.
It does not matter whether or not it is the holidays. Their customer service reps and tech support folks are top of the line but what continues to spoil this company’s image is the incomplete product package that keeps being sent out. Specifically, those Braille manuals that are woefully lacking in quality. We can only urge potential buyers to keep complaining and maybe to take more determined action.
Speed Dots
This company sells access technology and related accessories for persons with special needs but the problem here is that if you are either uncomfortable purchasing online or would prefer a phone call, you are not going to get any help.
They are very terse in their responses and with the holiday season upon us one can only expect things to get worse. This is not the company that I would encourage anyone to purchase from.
This is a courier company that you should do your best to avoid. Their drivers are very unreliable and do not show up when they claim that they did. They could never keep their stories straight and you do not need this stress for the holidays.
The memories of Japan Restaurant
Located in North York Toronto.
Here is a great restaurant that has sadly fallen down on the job over the last few months. Portions have shrunk drastically, flavour has fallen off, and it is just too bad.
You may also want to think twice if you want to dine well for the holidays.
The RBC awards customer service desk
If you are seeking to cash in your points to either pay down on your Visa or to pay for any sort of travel; then be ware that you will probably run into a customer rep who is not going to give you good service unless you call for a supervisor. That is, if you do your business transaction over the phone.
With the busy holiday season, you need to be persistent when dealing with these reps.
The Red Lobster Restaurant
Located at Shepard and Warden in Scarborough Ontario.
Here is a good chain of restaurants that has sadly fallen prey to the complacency syndrome and if you really want to enjoy your holiday dining then you may want to avoid the Red Lobster Restaurant and Why?
Because prices have sky rocketed. Portions have shrunk noticeably and customer services have fallen down.
Rogers Communications
Here is a company that for the most part is a solid one but due to poor communication skills on the part of many of their technicians, Rogers continues to suffer from complacency because they continue to ignore calls for improvement in this area.
Another company to avoid for the holidays. It is probably best to wait until the new year to communicate with them after the hustle and bustle is over.
Just my two cents for today.