It is always so refreshing and a pure delight whenever I get a rare opportunity to reconnect with Mother Nature. I truly believe that this is what is sorely missing from the lives of so many of us!
We spend so much of our time interacting with each other through computer screens and through our i devices. We spend a lot of time on our phones and then we are simply just too tired to go out there and interact with Mother Nature and her plethora of goodies.
What a joy it is for me to listen to those songster birds each morning with voices as pure as those of angels! To be able to walk in the sunshine, or to stroll lazily on the sidewalks as those fat snowflakes race each other to the ground. Or to walk briskly through the lush grass of fertile fields inhaling the fragrances of ripening fruits and blooming flowers.
What a joy it is for me to listen to my feet crunch the dried fallen leaves in the fall as I walk along or to listen to the rain coming down as silver raindrops bang against my windows. Or how about those scintillating sunrises and sunsets?
There is nothing better than just going out there and allowing the fresh breezes to blow through my hair or to sit on a sandy beach and watch and listen to the waves roll gently towards me. Or better yet! To listen as the gulls call to each other while the sound of the horns of passing boats echo across the wide expanse of a calm sea!
Then let us not forget those deep blue skies, the little white clouds and those fat dark ones filled with rain just waiting to deposit them on the rest of the world!
This is what we need more of! This is what we need to help us balance our lives more effectively and to get a better perspective on life! To use our communication with Mother Nature to help us cope better with all of the white noise around us.
Just my two cents for today.