Ask an Expert – May 2020 – How to Make Your Technology More Accessible

Donna Jodhan, a woman with short dark hair and glasses, sits at a table with a laptop in front of her.

Hello everyone!

Each month I will be responding to a question chosen from a pool of some of the most commonly asked ones that I have been asked over the years and continue to be asked.

This month, I’d like to answer the following question:

How to Make Your Technology More Accessible

Before you say no or turn thumbs down on these suggestions; consider these thoughts.

You can definitely increase your revenue and reduce both your internal and external costs and here’s how.

Take it from me! I have been an accessibility awareness consultant and advisor since 1998 and I continue to help companies to increase their revenues, reduce their costs, and reach hidden consumer markets!

Before you even consider making your technology more accessible you need to understand why, and to whom you should be making your technology more accessible.

Furthermore, you need to learn how to do so. There are too many so-called mainstream companies that lay false claim to having an understanding as to how to deal with the above but in reality they fall woefully short and as a result they create unecessary challenges for those who should be benefitting from accessible technology.

Here are some vital tips to get you started:

  • Make sure that you are aware of those who need to work with access technology; those who are blind and vision impaired, those with cognitive disabilities, those with learning disabilities, and those requiring access technology in order to communicate both online and offline.
  • Obtain an understanding as to why this is so.
  • Become familiar with the various types of access technology being used by the above mentioned groups of persons.
  • Understand how to ensure that your technology is able to accommodate the needs of the above mentioned groups.
  • Know how to make changes whenever there needs to be updates and upgrades in order to ensure that your technology is able to work affectively with access technology.
  • Most important; know and understand the meaning of the term access technology. The trick here is to ensure that your technology is able to work with the various types of access technology.

This should be enough to get you started.

To contact me please send an email to!
I’m Donna J. Jodhan (sight loss coach and accessibility advisor)

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