How to Make Indicators More Accessible
Before you say no or turn thumbs down on these suggestions; consider these thoughts.
You can definitely increase your revenue and reduce both your internal and external costs and here’s how.
The following suggestions can help you to make your indicators friendlier and more condusive for the following types of persons: Seniors, those with low vision, those who are blind and vision impaired, and those who are hard of hearing and those looking for indicators that are easy to understand.
- Make sure that your indicators can emit some sort of sound that is easy to hear and distinguish.
- Make sure that they are easy to see.
- Use colours that are easy to see and colours that are contrastable. That is foreground against background.
- Your indicator should be placed in spots that are easy to find.
- If indicators need to be installed or set up, then provide instructions that are easy to understand and written in simple language.
- Your indicators should be large enough for persons to see.
- If possible, have indicators that are tactile.
Take it from me! I have been an accessibility awareness consultant and advisor since 1998 and I continue to help companies to increase their revenues, reduce their costs, and reach hidden consumer markets!
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