Before you say no or turn thumbs down on these suggestions; consider these thoughts.
You can definitely increase your revenue and reduce both your internal and external costs and here’s how.
Take it from me! I have been an accessibility awareness consultant and advisor since 1998 and I continue to help companies to increase their revenues, reduce their costs, and reach hidden consumer markets!
Now as a sight loss coach I am helping consumers with sight loss to become more aware of their environment and their requirements, and this is helping companies to have a better understanding of how they need to plan and execute their initiatives.
We need to consider how this type of career can appeal to such groups as persons who are blind/vision impaired, persons with a keen interest in using sound to develop music for various types of genres, and those who are keen to use sound in different ways to enrich and enhance products as well as productions.
Here are some thoughts for consideration.
- Using sound as indicators in games, apps, and even as part of indicators for screens and control panels.
- Developers can used enhanced and enriched sounds as indicators of part of their software.
- Sounds can play a part in indicators at street corners, the opening of doors, and much more.
- Sound indicators can be used to guide persons.
I believe that blind/vision impaired persons can definitely use their strengths to make a case as this as a career. Their keenness towards the pitch, pleasant sounding sound, exactness and accuracy of sound is a definite asset and anyone reading will hopefully entertain this idea.
Beeps versus buzzes and bells versus chimes and so on are things that can be included in this type of career. Length, frequency, and more.
This should be enough for a basic consideration.
To contact me please send an email to!
I’m Donna J. Jodhan (award-winning sight loss coach and accessibility advisor)