A Cozy Living Room
I can definitely confirm that when it comes to waking up one’s imagination and creative juices, there is nothing more affective than picturing a very cozy living room.
Just allow your mind to clear itself of any unwanted thoughts!
Now, I want you to transform yourself into this very cozy living room.
There is a crackling fire that you can hear.
You can smell the burning wood
You can see the flames chasing each other in the fireplace.
Then you can practically taste those roasting marsh mellows!
Now just allow yourself to drift unprovoked into a comfortable state of mind.
You are warm and comfortable.
Your mind and imagination are at ease.
Your creative juices are beginning to wake up!
It does not matter that it is beastly cold outside!
Your living room is now your base for thinking, dreaming, and aspiring!
Yes! Use your cozy living room to help you clear your writing block!
I use this strategy at this time of the year and now I want to have you try it.
To learn more about me as an award-winning sight-loss coach and author, visit www.donnajodhan.com
And to learn more about me as an award-winning advocate, visit www.sterlingcreations.ca