I can definitely confirm that the sounds of water flowing or gurgling is a true and proven strategy to help wake up your imagination and creative juices. This strategy has come to my rescue on countless occasions. To inspire me, refresh me, and to fill me with hope!
I have used this strategy while listening to the gentle flow of a brook or river.
I have been greatly inspired listening to the waves of a lake breaking on a beach.
I have also been inspired by the waves of an ocean rolling towards sandy shores and I have even used an indoor fountain in my home to listen to water flowing while I sit quietly waiting for ideas to surface in my mind.
These suggestions have worked for me and now I am sharing with you.
Think of the sound of falling rain to also help you take control of your ideas, imagination, and creative juices.
Use this sound to bring music to your ears.
To learn more about me as a sight-loss coach and author, visit donnajodhan.com.
And to learn more about me as an advocate, visit sterlingcreations.ca.