Are we ruining their future?
Greetings! I’m Christian =
Robicheau and a very=20
Happy, Happy New Year to everyone! I’m back after a wonderful =
holiday and I hope that you had one as well. It’s back to work for =
us all=20
and today I am delighted to present you with an editorial by our =
president Donna=20
J. Jodhan and today she expresses concerns about the future of our =
kids. =20
I wish you a great weekend.
Are we ruining their future?
By =
Donna J.=20
This is the question that many parents =
are asking=20
themselves these days and this question pertains to all kids =
alike. In the=20
past year, I have had several friends and clients alike discuss this =
topic with=20
me and as a keen observer of this landscape with no kids of my own, it =
is a=20
question that continues to trouble me.
When I was growing up, my parents did =
their best to=20
strike a working balance for my brothers and me. They never gave =
us too=20
much but just enough to help us stand firmly on our feet. I have =
to say=20
that in my neck of the woods it is what most parents did in those days =
somehow it seemed to work. Just enough as I say to get us firmly =
on our=20
feet. We were given just enough to allow us to enjoy certain =
advantages in=20
life but we were not given too much so as to have made us sluggish and=20
unprepared to face the world with all of its challenges and =
pitfalls. =20
That was then and this is now and =
whereas the=20
formula seemed to work just fine in those days I am not sure if it would =
work as well today. It seems to me that the parents of the day =
changed the recipe for the future of their kids in that what we are =
seeing is a=20
somewhat unhealthy logic of parents to give to their kids as many =
advantages as=20
they could. In short, to readily yield to the demands of their =
kids. =20
To give to them as many privileges, electronic toys, amenities, and =
leeway as=20
they possibly can.
Today, we are witnessing a regular =
scene of kids as=20
early as three and four years old walking around with iPads and =
iPods. =20
Kids as early as eight and nine years old with their own cell =
phones. Kids=20
driving expensive cars before their 18th birthdays and the list goes =
on. =20
Even kids who are well into their twenties and even thirties are still =
on mom and dad to help them cope and if this is not enough the =
are often caught up in the mix.
True it is that the world has changed =
since I was a=20
kid and very much so and true it is that almost any parent would =
naturally want=20
the best for their kid and this would include ensuring that they receive =
best that their money can buy. However, is this really a healthy=20
formula? How much is this formula going to help or is it poised to =
the future of the next generation?
Are we going to be responsible for =
creating a=20
generation of self centered citizens? A generation who will have=20
difficulty thinking outside of the box and one that may have difficulty =
for themselves and more importantly be able to take care of =
themselves? =20
All questions that only the future will have answers for. =
I’m Donna J. Jodhan wishing you a =
terrific day and=20
You can follow me on twitter @accessibleworld
and chat =
with me on=20
Skype at habsfan0526.
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reach me, please send an email to =
and I=20
would be delighted to send you an electronic copy of our latest=20
newsletter. Or you can view all of our newsletters at http://www.sterl=
is a complete list of where you can view Donna’s blogs and =
Jodhan! Advocating accessibility for all
http://www.donnajodhan.blogs= =20
Weekly features on how to increase your success with your business=20
articles and editorials on issues about accessibility
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Now you can enjoy Donna’s detective DJ crime crushers Series by =