Donna included the following tips in her “Catching Up With the Coach” feature for the September 1st issue:
Best of Helpful Hints – For the Bathroom: Ceramic Tile
- Turtle Wax (car wax) is an excellent tile cleaner and refinisher. Rub in well with a soft cloth, let stand for 10 minutes. Do not let it dry too thoroughly. Polish with a clean cloth or better yet, buff with an electric buffer. Your tiles will sparkle like new.
- Try cleaning with a solution of sal soda concentrate, the strength depending on the extent of the soil. To the stubborn cracks, apply the sal dry with a stiff brush.
- Clean the recessed spaces between tiles with an ordinary typewriter eraser or rub with a white nail pencil.
- Make a paste of baking soda and bleach and scrub with a small brush.
- Also, before you start cleaning the bathroom walls, fill the tub with the hottest tap water available. Dirt loosened by steam will come off faster.
In her September 15th issue, she highlighted the following article:
- “10 Foods That Help You Sleep Better” by Gaston Bedard
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