News – December 2020 – Donna Jodhan Continues to Advise the CTA

The words 'Canadian Transportation Agency' appear on a red background next to a white maple leaf filled with swirling red lines.

On December 4th, Donna Jodhan participated in a Zoom conference hosted by the Canadian Transportation Agency. Donna’s participation was as a member of the CTA’s advisory committee on disability issues.

The main focus was on the following:

  • An update from the CTA on requests by some major airlines to delay the implementation of some regulations pertaining to the rights of passengers with disabilities. (Donna notes that this request was a repeat one and that participants expressed growing concerns that airlines needed to provide explanations as to why they were making these repeat requests along with a submission for a new deadline.)
  • Participants also expressed some frustration that the advisory committee needed to be included in more collaboration; it was not a matter of stakeholders working for Canadians with disabilities but everyone working with everyone.
  • An idea for the establishment of small working groups was suggested.

In a follow up personal phone call with Scott Streiner, CEO of the CTA, Donna reiterated these concerns and added that the CTA along with other federal government departments needed to address a growing concern over the lack of collaboration and exclusion at Covid-19 tables.

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