It is bad enough whenever we steal the future of anyone, especially so those of our innocent kids! But whenever the futures of kids are deliberately snuffed out? There are absolutely no words to describe this horror!
President John F. Kennedy once said “an error is not a mistake until you refuse to correct it” and my humble and respectful opinion is that once more; our system has failed us all! Especially those 215 kids whose remains were recently found out in British Columbia! How many more burial grounds are we going to discover?
I can only say that shame on you Canada! Shame on you Catholic Church! Shame on you residential schools! Why was this ever allowed to take place? Everyone named above is equally responsible and there is no trying to play the blame game!
Indeed; bless the beasts and the children! For in this world they have no voice! They have no choice! They are at the mercy of us adults and we have all let them down!
All of their dreams have been squashed and snuffed out! They never had a chance to play with toys! To meet and greet their little friends! To enjoy those happy days of growing up and hoping for a date, going on a date, dancing the night away, and dreaming of becoming whatever they were dreaming of! Just simply looking to graduating on a sunny spring day!
Parents never had a chance to hold their precious ones close and to tell them how much they loved them. They never had a chance to hear their precious kids laugh and cry. To see them smile and play! to run with them in the park and along the beach!
Heck! They never knew what happened to them. Instead? The cowardly bastards told them that their kids had simply run away and classmates had no choice but to believe these lies!
On your knees now Canada and beg God to forgive you! Get down on the ground now face down Catholic Church and plead with God to have mercy on you! On your all fours now residential schools and beg God to cleanse your souls of these horrible deeds! For I am afraid that only God can help you now!
Just my two cents for today.
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