Ask an Expert – November 2023 – What Makes Home Services Accessible?

Donna Jodhan, a woman with short dark hair and glasses, sits at a table with a laptop in front of her.

Hello everyone!

Each month I will be responding to a question chosen from a pool of some of the most commonly asked ones that I have been asked over the years and continue to be asked.

Before you say no or turn thumbs down on these suggestions; consider these thoughts.
You can definitely increase your revenue and reduce both your internal and external costs and here’s how.

Take it from me! I have been an accessibility awareness consultant and advisor since 1998 and I continue to help companies to increase their revenues, reduce their costs, and reach hidden consumer markets!

This month, I’d like to answer the following question:

What Makes Home Services Accessible?

I truly believe that when it comes to accessible home services, it all comes down to being able to appropriately, professionally, and willingly able to engage and communicate with your customers.

Your customers are those who would fall into any of these groups:

  • Professionals who are too busy to do their own housework.
  • Seniors.
  • Persons with disabilities.
  • Moms on the go..

You need to fully understand how to engage and communicate with customers falling into these categories and you also need to understand their needs and requirements. Above all, you should take the time to acquire some awareness training.

This is a good start.

To contact me please send an email to!
I’m Donna J. Jodhan (award-winning sight loss coach and accessibility advisor)

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