How to Make Trainers More Aware
Before you say no or turn thumbs down on these suggestions; consider these thoughts.
You can definitely increase your revenue and reduce both your internal and external costs and here’s how.
For this particular topic, I am going to suggest that we look at teamwork. That is, a combination of student and trainer, and it should all start with the student ensuring that they identify their special need to the trainer before they decide to take a course.
- The student should be strongly encouraged to communicate beforehand with the perspective trainer or the person in charge of managing a course.
- It does not really matter what type of course it is; anything from yoga to math! This is the process that is highly recommended.
- The Trainer and student should be given every opportunity to hold open discussions with the student clearly identifying their needs and the trainer describing the content of said course.
- The trainer should not be embarrassed to ask any type of question and should be encouraged to ask, probe, and suggest along the way.
- The student should not be embarrassed to tell the trainer what they would need in order to complete the course. IE: text formats, best position in the class to be seated, assistance with exams, help with online facilities, and so on.
- Open discussion between trainer and student is always recommended because it fosters good and cordial communication and it helps to iron out any kinks and uncertainties!
Of course, there is always more, but this should be a good start.
Good luck!