A picture with two sides – yours, mine, and the truth

In my humble and respectful opinion, a picture always has two sides.  So that every time someone tells me that they are telling the truth and that theirs is the one and only truth, I smile to myself and tell the one that is saying this that “a picture always has two sides.”

Several may also say that a picture has more than two sides; your side, my side, and what lies in between which is probably the whole truth.

So that when someone tells me something like “I am the only one who knows the whole truth” I would simply say something like “not really.”

So many of us probably honestly believe that we are the only ones who know the entire truth but trust me when I say a resounding no in response.  No one can really know the whole truth.  No one can ever know all of the facts to a story and no one can ever lay claim to having the keys to the entire truth.

At the end of the day I should probably amend my opinion to reflect that a picture has more than two sides; your side, my side, and what lies in between.

We should probably keep this in mind each time we seek to construct or attempt to assemble an accurate picture.

Just my two cents for today.

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